After Care

After care/ Post op Instructions

Local Anesthesia

Following visits where is it necessary for your child to get “numb” he/she will have a numb lip, cheek and or tongue for 30 minutes to two hours following the treatment. Please monitor your child to help prevent them from sucking, chewing, pinching , scratching or tugging on these areas until it is “awake: again.

To help your child be less bothered by the “sleepy” lip or cheek we recommend a cold beverage or soft food such as ice cream or yogurt. Please have your child avoid hard crunchy foods while they are numb and for the next meal.

Even with the best supervision it is still possible for your child to traumatize a sleeping area of their mouth. If this should occur it is recommended to place ice on the area to avoid swelling and keep the area clean in order to avoid infection.

Please call our office with any questions or concerns.

Extraction of Primary Teeth

Local anesthetic concerns as discussed above

We recommend a soft diet for 24 hours. Please avoid hard crunchy foods

Monitor your child’s activity for the remainder of the day-no high activity please.

Continue biting on Gauze for 30 minutes.

It is not uncommon to have a light bloodstain on the child’s pillow the night of an extraction. Even rubbing on the pillow while asleep can cause a mixture of saliva and blood to flow. We recommend placing a towel on your child’s pillow for nap/bed following an extraction. A small amount of blood is within normal range

If bleeding persists the day after the extraction please call our office at 914-579-2225


Local anesthetic concerns as discussed above.

Avoid hard crunchy foods at the next meal.

A filling/sealant makes changes, however very small, in the way the teeth fit together. The tongue and cheeks will notice this change but will adapt very quickly.

Temperature sensitivity is not uncommon if the decay/cavity was deep. If your child’s tooth is healing and responding this sensitivity only lasts for a short time when a new temperature is introduced to the mouth. In addition this temperature sensitivity will go away in a few days to a week. If it does not or occurs long after the restoration is placed that is a sign you should call our office.

Accidents and Trauma

1st 24 hours

    Soft diet
    Cold compress/ice pack can be applied. Popcicles can be used to sooth a traumatized lip

    Tylenol/Motrin for discomfort

    Cut food into small pieces, and chew with back teeth

    For toddlers; keep hard toys away for a few days

    Gum tissues can appear black and blue as well as swollen. This usually resolves in 48-72 hours although often looks worse 12-24 hours post initial trauma.

    There may be traces of blood on pillow after naps or sleeping for the first 24 hours

Monitor after initial healing

    Gum tissues may appear grey or discolored as part of the normal healing process.

    If gum tissues are bright red or there is fever, the child should be seen as antibiotics are usually indicated in this situation

    Color change in the tooth can mean internal bleeding like a bruise. The tooth may recover and remain healthy but it should be evaluated

    Blister or pimple on the gums is another sign of infection and need for evaluation

Orthodontic appliances

Retainers, space maintainers and orthopedic appliances are specifically designed for the individual patient. The newness however can often make clear speech difficult for a few days. We recommended your child drive you crazy reading out loud and singing to help speech return to normal quickly.

Appliances can create muscle and tooth soreness for the first 24-48 hours after placement. During this period a soft diet with food cut into small bites will help minimize the discomfort and help the child adjust to the appliance.